Monday, January 21, 2019

My Marketing Tool Chest

Welcome to My Marketing Tool Chest

I put this together to share marketing tips as well as provide my services for those looking to grow their online business.  The main thing that any person online needs is the ability to send targeted visitors or traffic to their own website or if your an affiliate for a network like Clickbank the ability to send visitors to that website.  As they say "traffic is the lifeblood of your online business."  Be sure to check out my services at the bottom of this page in the footer.  Just click on the services you are interested in and learn more.

You have two main forms of advertising or marketing and they are either paid marketing or free
marketing.  Marketing again is getting visitors or traffic to your website.  Other parts of marketing are monitoring your website visitors to see how many, how long they are staying on your website and what exactly are they doing once they get there.  By keeping and eye on these things and making adjustments you can increase your visitor count and more specifically with free organic traffic which is what everybody wants.  Back to the two main forms which again are free and paid lets first talk about free marketing.  You can visit my page about ten traffic sources where I go more into detail on this but some free marketing methods are getting your website and content listed in the organic search results in the major search engines like Google and Bing.  Other methods or forum posting, commenting on other blogs and guest writing.  Again visit my page about my ten traffic sources to learn a little more more about some of these in detail.

Now the other form of getting traffic to your website or affiliate offers is through paid traffic.  Now with paid traffic it is much faster to begin getting results but if you do not know and understand what you are doing you will spend a lot of money and not get any results.  Paid traffic works and works well but you need to know what it is you are doing.  If you do not know what you are doing be very
careful when investing in paid traffic.  Around ten years ago when I first got started online as an affiliate I set up a campaign in Google before they turned against affiliates.  I did not know anything about setting a budget and high competition keywords.  So I put this campaign together in Google pay per click and four hours later I went back to check on it and when I logged into my account I just about fell over.  In a couple of hours I ran up a $400 advertising bill and I was very excited.  I jumped into my affiliate network which was Clickbank and guess what?  Zero results!  I could not believe it.  I called this whole online thing a big scam.  A couple of weeks later I joined a live training program that consisted of a three day event lasting around one hour per day and in that even we put together a pay per click campaign in Google and on the second day I saw a little over one hundred dollars invested. In the account of the particular product we were marketing there was over six hundred dollars in it.  That's when I knew that it could be done.  I spent months and thousands of dollars perfecting my pay per click skills till I was able to generate a decent ROI or return on my investment.

My Marketing Tool Chest